Monday, September 26, 2011

I AM Jessie Spano.

Seriously.  There's no time, there's never enough time.  I may have said that before, but I'm reiterating the fact because it is so true of my life at this moment.  My hope was to stay caught up with this, but I see my last post was Sept. 5, the day before back to school.  Le sigh. 

I'm not going to lie.  This is my most challenging year of teaching yet and I've had numerous breakdowns so far.  Things are getting better, but it's a huge learning curve and on top of that I miss my old schools, colleagues and students.  Life goes on though.

It has to, because we now have a puppy who needs to be tamed!  I'll have to share the details of getting him another time, but just know that getting a puppy when you are already busy and stressed is not the greatest idea.  Luckily, he is ridiculously cute and I love him to death, so it's ok and we're managing.

I did have a smile on my face the other day when I popped over to Better After and found that my DIY shelf had been featured.  W00t!!!  Check it out here: DIY Laminate Shelf Makeover - 4th set of photos

Off to bed, so I can wake up in the middle of the night and let the devilish dog out!

1 comment:

  1. yahoo for being featured!!! congrats!! and hang in there...the puppy thing will get better ;) he is so darn cute ;)
