Day 10 of our Euro honeymoon adventure took us to Kusadasi, Turkey and Patmos, Greece - both different, but beautiful. And in both places, we still had no luggage.
We arrived very early to Turkey and it seemed like a good thing, because it was HOT! Good thing I had a little one piece number to wear thanks to Vicki!
We got off the ship and immediately got on a bus to head to the House of the Virgin Mary...or so they think. Yes, they "believe" that she spent her last days there. We waited in line to walk through the little house and witnessed a live mass, and people tying tissues on to the wish wall.
From there, we proceeded to go back to the bus, but not before stopping to get a picture with a Turkish soldier!
After our visit to the House, we headed over to the ancient city of Ephesus. This place was pretty cool - amazing to think that people lived and worked in this tiny area thousands of years ago - though back then there was more to it and it was a bustling city of 250,000, making it the second largest in the world (according to Wikipedia...haha). I wonder if the cats existed then. Their eyes were so cool!
We toured around Ephesus taking loads of photos and just taking it all in, before heading back to the port of Kusadasi to shop in the local bazaar. I was sad that we didn't have more time here, because there was lots to look at; everything from scarves, rugs, purses, watches, clothing - whatever you want, really! Having only about 45 minutes to shop in that was not good for someone like me who can't make decisions. And of course, they love to negotiate and that all takes time. Or sometimes no time at all!. Let me preface this by saying that on the ship, they told us to make sure that we barter with the Turkish people, otherwise they will not be happy with you and it could offend them. Fair enough - we're friendly Canadians who like to please AND love a good deal, so why not. Well, I tried to do it on a change purse that cost 1 Euro, yes, only 1. The guy laughed and told me to just take it. Then I felt bad and told him no, that I would just pay the 1 Euro and he said "nope, now it's a gift. you can't even pay one Euro, you take it." So, I did. And the thing has come in quite handy, not to mention, it's a good souvenir!
All in all, I loved Turkey, even though it was such a short time we were there. I'd love to go back. If only my cousin who is gettiing married there would do it in July or August and not May! Please Maggie???? ;)
PS; if you're ever looking for a good knock off of something, they have it all in Kusadasi!
Around noon, we left Turkey and headed backto Greece to visit the island of Patmos. Here was our first view coming in to it.
The reps advised us not to book an excursion here and just tour the island on our own, since it's super small and there really isn't a ton to see and do. The main attraction is the monastery at the top of the island, there is a small little city centre for shopping and restaurants, and then the beaches.
We decided to take the advice of the reps and we didn't book an excursion. We also decided that instead of paying the 30 Euro to get up the hill to the monastery, we'd walk. After all, we're young and fit and surely could handle it.
The views along the way got better and getter the higher up we got.
By the first hour though, I was ready to stop. It was hot and the road was not just straight up, but a switchback road. I swear the same cab passed us 10 times, and laughed a little harder each time.
We stopped in a little chapel about halfway up the hill. We toured around it for about 20 minutes, took some silly pictures, saw a monk in the actual chapel where we couldn't take pictures and then continued up the hill towards the monastery.
When we were finally almost at the base of the monastery, we met a couple that we knew were also on our cruise ship. They were impressed that we walked the whole way, but said that the monastery was definitely not worth it. *sigh* We also found out that the bus ride up would've only cost 2 Euros, for BOTH of us. *doublse sigh* So, we made the decision right then not to go in the monastery since we still wanted to be able to see the little town. But we had to continue trudging up the hill in order to get to the bus stop. We finally made it, snapped some pics of the monastery, the beautiful view and our cruise ship and then took the bus down.
Once we got back down the hill, we enjoyed some gelato and shopping.
We returned to the boat only to find that we STILL had no luggage. Nonetheless though, we were anticipating our next stop; Rhodes!
Loved reading about your adventures, Angela! Really love the positive attitude and not letting a 'little thing' like no luggage get in the way of your travels. :) I really want to visit all these places...can't believe how beautiful they look in the photos...must be even better in person!