Tuesday, May 03, 2011


... and vote is what I did last night.  However, as you can imagine, a federal election can be a somewhat of a nightmare for someone like myself who has difficulty making decisions.  Sure, I read all the various platforms for each political party on the different websites, tried to inform myself and what not, but in some ways, that just made me more confused.  I thought I had it all together when I went to mark my X on the ballot (that is, after waiting in line for a name change form to be filled out, after she made the mistake of filling out a registration form and realizing it was wrong.  oops!) but at the last second I changed my mind!?!?!  Eeek.  I walked out of there feeling like a proud Canadian who exercised her right to vote, but unsure if I made the right decision.

However, luckily it's not just me that gets to have their say.  Or, are we really lucky, now that Mr. Harper has a majority governement?  I am not sure, but I think it will be an interesting four years to come!

PS: Jack Layton looks like my dad! (minus the glasses and tan, plus a trimmed mop and 'stache!)  Go dad!


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